map to my place
My address is 1018 Davis Avenue, Paducah, Kentucky, and phone is 442-0219. Here’s how to get here from either direction. Please do not ask a stranger, even locally, for directions— there are different Oak Streets and Davis Avenues— unless you’d rather tour the city than grant me the pleasure of your company :) Use the map above and either of the following—

From I-24— Take exit for Highway 45 and go toward Paducah about a half mile to Hickory Street, a small side street on left side only. Turn onto Hickory. Two blocks west on Hickory it curves right and becomes Davis Avenue. 1018 is white frame house on east (right hand) side of street in middle of block— the other side of street is woods only.

From Hannan Plaza (Kroger/Walgreen)— Go south on Lone Oak Road (Highway 45) about four blocks to Oak Street, a small side street on right side only. Turn onto Oak. Two blocks west on Oak it T's into Davis Avenue— turn left on Davis. 1018 is white frame house on east (left hand) side of street in middle of block— the other side of street is woods only.

Parking— If you’re willing to brave an unimproved and rather rugged driveway you can park there, or alongside it on the grass if it’s not too muddy. Otherwise on the street— there is little traffic in front of the house.

For Partiers— If you drink please do so responsibly (no underage please). If you don’t have a ride feel free to sleep over. I have three sofas— the shorter one downstairs folds out— also a single-size fold-out mattress. There are some extra pillows and bedding but feel free to bring your own if you think there’s a chance you might stay.

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© 2010 Warren Farr, revised 1/12