Sign of the Past circumstance of fate preserves a Nineteenth-Century slice of Paducah history (11/26/01) ...WEILLE & SON...CLOTHIERS...FURNISHERS— First Tenants once-side-of-buiding protected by addition— Handpainted Broadway third-floor to rent-control— Black, White, Yellow looking as fresh as if painted yesterday— Timeline
circumstance of fate preserves a Nineteenth-Century slice of Paducah history (11/26/01) ...WEILLE & SON...CLOTHIERS...FURNISHERS— First Tenants once-side-of-buiding protected by addition— Handpainted Broadway third-floor to rent-control— Black, White, Yellow looking as fresh as if painted yesterday— Timeline
once-side-of-buiding protected by addition— Handpainted
Broadway third-floor to rent-control— Black, White, Yellow
looking as fresh as if painted yesterday— Timeline
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